Shampoing CM Hydratant Revitalisant

Shampoing CM Hydratant Revitalisant

150 ml


La sua formulazione ricca di complessi idratanti ed emollienti lo rende un prodotto indicato sia per capelli particolarmente secchi, sia per cute scarsamente idratata. Su capelli aridi e stopposi (come quelli trattati), ridona morbidezza, lucentezza e vitalità naturale. Svolge un’azione restitutiva per l’apporto di aminoacidi necessari alla cheratina, donando un aspetto corposo e sano al capello.

per ordini superiori a 99 EUR

Applicare 10 ml di Shampoo CM sui capelli umidi, massaggiare emulsionando e poi risciacquare.

CM Shampoo Hydrating & Revitalizing

150 ml


Its high concentration of moisturising and emollient complexes makes CM shampoo suitable for both very dry hair and for dehydrated scalps. When used on dry and thinning hair (like the hair being treated), it restores softness, shine, and natural vitality. It provides a restorative effect by supplying the amino acids required for keratin production, giving a full-bodied and healthy look to the hair.

per ordini superiori a 99 EUR
COD: CV25Z/0150 Categorie: , ,

Apply 10 ml of CM Shampoo to wet hair, massage into an emulsion, and then rinse it out.

Combined with TR Shampoo, CM Shampoo works very well after chemical treatments, such as when the hair is coloured or highlighted, and also when it is dry or damaged. In the case of dry hair with dandruff, combine CM Shampoo with AT Shampoo.